Thursday, April 19, 2012

Lazy food

My dear friend Katie is a go-getter. She has a more-than-full-time job, is finishing up her master's degree, and still finds time to exercise. Over at her fabulous blog she's keeping track of how many miles she runs and all the healthy food she's making to help her stay in shape. She's even persuaded me to do a 5K run in August called The Color Run. I only agreed to it because it's actually a "run/walk," it's short (she's persuaded others to do marathons with her. Ha!), and because as we run, we're basically going to get tie-dyed. Awesome.

Even though I ought to be training for this run, spring has hit California strongly, and all I'm inspired to do is curl up and take naps in the sun like a cat. When it comes time for dinner, I'm lacking the inspiration necessary to take on big dishes that require a lot of cleaning afterward. So I introduce to you one of my favorite lazy meals: The sort-of burrito.

Melt cheese between two corn tortillas, slather some refried beans on top, add salsa, sour cream, and any other toppings you enjoy. (Olives and chopped lettuce are great, but I haven't been grocery-shopping in a while. Like I said, I've been lazy!) Fold it in half and nom away.

I'm not entirely sure who my audience is here, and if you're reading this thinking, "I'm a real adult and I need real meals!" then I say to you: Enjoy this as a snack or lunch instead of dinner.

To those of you reading this thinking, "Oh man. I'm hungry but don't have tortillas or cheese or anything except cereal" I say: Rock on. College is fun.

I enjoyed this particular meal with a glass of Two Buck Chuck because, well... college is fun.

(Longer blog post coming this weekend.)

1 comment:

  1. Okay, so I wasn't going to comment this time. But, I'm struck with the fact that my favorite fast food is a bean burrito with green sauce, no onions, plus sour cream. I'll just leave it at that.
