Wednesday, November 16, 2011


No crafty recipes nor political manifestos (manifestoes? manifestii?) from me tonight; just a simple reminder.

I've been toying with bracelets made from leather cording and had some success with wrapping beads in leather cord. (It's not too childish if you're still in college and give your mom handmade bracelets from Christmas, right? Right.) So I got all enthusiastic and thought I could use the same technique using sheer ribbon and glass pearls. So two nights ago I went out and bought some, thinking myself to be terribly clever.

I was really excited to start my project, and really proud that I had come up with such a cute gift idea so far ahead of Christmas. Proud, that is, until I realized the holes in the beads were too small for the ribbon to fit through. Sigh.

And so tonight, ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to remind you all to measure twice, cut once. Or else you'll end up like I no doubt will: Using your parents' garage over Thanksgiving break to drill larger holes in beads with an awl and trying to ignore your relatives' snickers. Don't end up like me. Make sure the tools you're using fit the task — and fit each other.

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